French Language Immersion in Turku

Discover the world of the French language,
joy and learning

Language immersion is a unique and fun way to learn French in a natural environment, where children experience the language and culture as a living part of their daily life. French language immersion in Turku provides your child with the opportunity to develop language skills through play, songs, and interaction.

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Kielikylpyä Turku Ranska Suomi

Natural learning environment

Children acquire the French language in practical situations, where learning is effortless and fun.

Safety and well-being

Immersion takes place in a safe and warm environment where the well-being of children is a priority.

Professionals as teachers

Each group has both a French-speaking and a Finnish-speaking teacher.

Learning through play

Play and creative activities help children develop language skills intuitively and joyfully.

Katso video Hexagonesta

Discover French language immersion in Turku

Take a step toward learning a new language and a culture-enriched world – watch our video to see how French language immersion brings joy and the delight of learning into children's daily lives.

Watch the video

Read the article:
A bilingual child navigates creatively through the world of languages

FM Satu Rakkolainen-Sossa


Bilingualism can develop in different ways, and there are many levels of bilingualism. Broadly defined, a bilingual person is someone who has acquired two languages in their upbringing environment and masters them like a native speaker.

Bilingualism can develop naturally, for example, when parents in a multilingual family speak their native languages to their children, when the environment's language differs from the home language, or when a child acquires a second language through language immersion at kindergarten, like French at L’Hexagone.

Frequently Asked Questions

French Language Immersion in Our Kindergarten

Päiväkodin kielikylvyn lapset ovat rakentaneet leikkitornin

Who is French language immersion suitable for?

French language immersion is designed for children of all levels, including those with no prior experience in French. The program is structured to support learning French from the beginning through play and interaction.

How is French language immersion conducted in the kindergarten?

Immersion is integrated into daily activities and interactions. Children learn French naturally by participating in games, stories, songs, and other activities that are part of the kindergarten's routine.

Is immersion only about learning the French language?

No, immersion emphasizes experiences gained through play and natural learning. Children learn the language practically as part of diverse activities, making the learning process natural and inspiring.

How can French learning continue after language immersion?

After the immersion experience in kindergarten, there are many options to continue learning French, whether at school, through optional courses, or cultural events. Many schools also offer French as part of basic education.

How does language immersion affect my child's bilingualism and other studies?

Bilingualism helps enhance a child's cognitive abilities and, according to research, enriches their ability to learn other subjects. Bilingualism broadens understanding of different cultures and can support learning skills and self-esteem on multiple levels.

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